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O.D.E. Ministries

Hello! I am Dominique Amara, founder of Ordinary Doing Extraordinary Ministries! My goal is to help you, whether you are a new or longtime Christian, learn how to use various resources to help you go deeper in your study of the Word of God. I have a YouTube channel that focuses on Bible app tutorials, Bible reviews, and how-to videos for enhancing your study time. I also create videos to encourage and help you grow spiritually. This website has blog posts that will inspire and teach you throughout your journey.

The Mission

O.D.E. Ministries exists to help Christians grow in their relationship with God through reading, studying, and applying God’s Word. We offer various tutorial and review videos of Christian apps, Bibles, and other reading & study tools to assist in your personal time with God. We also encourage believers to become everything God has called them to be through encouraging videos and blog posts. We equip ordinary people with the tools necessary to be used extraordinarily by God.

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